Vol. 28 No.2 -05

Volume 28 Number 2, 2023

Research on the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction – A Case of Flight Attendants

Ching-Ying Yua*, Hua-Hsing Sunb, Sheng-Chieh Chenc
Yuan-Ze university, Taoyuan, Taiwan
a mikoyu@saturn.yzu.edu.tw
b s1069405@mail.yzu.edu.tw
c sanjain270@gmail.com


This research mainly explores organizational justice, emotional labor, and job satisfaction for flight attendants. After exploring the literature, it proposes three positive relationships. They are organizational justice vs. emotional labor, emotional labor vs. job satisfaction, and organizational justice vs. job satisfaction. In this study, national flight attendants were targeted, 155 questionnaire invitations were sent, 110 valid responses were obtained, and the response rate was 71%. After analysis, the following important conclusions are as follows; 1. Organizational justice has a low correlation and a significant positive relationship with emotional labor; 2. Emotional labor has a low correlation and a significant positive relationship with job satisfaction; 3. Organizational fairness has a moderately significant positive relationship with job satisfaction; 4. Emotional labor does not have a mediator relationship between organizational justice and job satisfaction.


JEL Classification: D63, J28, J52


Keywords: organizational justice, emotional labor, job satisfaction, flight attendants



Cite this article: 

Yu, C.-Y., Sun, H.-H., and Chen, S.-C., 2023, Research on the Relationship between Organizational Justice, Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction – A Case of Flight Attendants, International Journal of Business, 28(2), 005. https://doi.org/10.55802/IJB.028(2).005


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