Vol. 28 No.1 -03

Volume 28 Number 1, 2023

Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation and Corporate Image: Testing a Mediational Model

Harun Şeşena, Aliye Gündoğdub 
a Cyprus International University, Haspolat, Mersin, Turkey
b European University of Lefke, Gemikonagi, Mersin, Turkey


The aim of this research is to investigate whether the banking sector, which is exposed to global competition as a result of the effects of information technologies, can influence its corporate reputation (CR) by performing corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and corporate image (CI). Data were obtained from a sample of 262 employees from a private bank in Northern Cyprus. AMOS software was used to test the research hypotheses by running a structural equation model. The findings show that, from the perspective of the bank staff, CSR is associated with both CI and CR, and that CI has a mediating role in the effect of CSR on CR. Although the different relationships of each of the variables that are the subject of this research have been previously investigated, the fact that the mediating role of CI in the CSR-CR relationship has not been investigated. Besides, all factors have been evaluated by bank's closest stakeholder "employee", who have the advantage of instantly evaluating signals and giving feedback, makes the research unique. 


JEL Classification: M12, M14, M31 


Keywords: corporate social responsibility, corporate image, corporate reputation 



Cite this article: 

Şeşena, H., and Gündoğdu, A., 2023, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Reputation and Corporate Image: Testing a Mediational Model, International Journal of Business, 28(1), 003. https://doi.org/10.55802/IJB.028(1).003


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