Vol. 29 No.2 -03

Volume 29 Number 2, 2024

Negative Outcomes of Dispositional Envy:
Possible Antecedent and Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Atmaji a, Hunik Sri Runing Sawitri b, Joko Suyono c, Alifah Faidurrohmah Fibayani d, Sinto Sunaryo e, *
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
a atmaji@staff.uns.ac.id 
b huniksri_fe@staff.uns.ac.id 
c jokosu_feb@staff.uns.ac.id 
d alifahfibayani@gmail.com 
e* sintosunaryo_fe@staff.uns.ac.id


The current study seeks to explore the various outcomes of dispositional envy, its antecedent, and its impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The proposed model considers dispositional envy as a mediating variable and possible antecedent of deviant behavior, social loafing, and OCB in organizations. Leader-member exchange (LMX) is proposed to affect dispositional envy and other variables in the study. A survey of 246 Indonesian employees from various industries found that LMX affects dispositional envy but does not affect employees’ deviant behavior. Dispositional envy was found to affect deviant behavior, OCB, and social loafing but was not found to moderate the relationship between LMX and deviant behavior. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are also explored.


JEL Classification: D23, O15


Keywords: dispositional envy, LMX, deviant behavior, social loafing




Cite this article: 

Atmaji, Sawitri, H.S.R., Suyono, J., Fibayani, A.F., Sunaryo,S., 2024, Negative Outcomes of Dispositional Envy: Possible Antecedent and Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior, International Journal of Business, 29(2), 003. https://doi.org/10.55802/IJB.029(2).003


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